Drudge has had this link to the World Tribune site up for a couple of days. The story is headlined 'London report foresees civil war in Iraq after U.S. pullout.' This is terrible news!
"Iraq's failure to quell the Shi'ite and Sunni insurgencies will lead to a civil war with Iran's and Turkey's potential involvement, a London institute projected."
Wow, sounds like we're doomed. From the way this spins, you'd think that this is something that will happen by week's end.
Of course, that's nonsense. Just look a little further down, and the reporter swerves into the truth.
"The report cited several scenarios over the next 18 months. The best-case scenario envisioned government participation by the majority Shi'ite community as well as the smaller Sunni and Kurdish sectors."
That doesn't sound too bad, I wonder where the doom and gloom came from? Ah, here we go.
"But another scenario envisioned a collapse of authority throughout the country. At that point, the report said, Iran would extend its control over Shi'ite communities in Iraq while Kurds in northern Iraq would separate from the rest of the country."
ANOTHER scenario. That would be the WORST CASE scenario, my friends. I can't help but be reminded of the Chicken Little reports earlier this year claiming that a US Government agency report warned of a coming global weather crisis similar to the events of the film 'The Day After Tomorrow' when in fact, that report covered many possible scenarios and the one referenced was one of the most unlikely and near-science-fiction options they'd studied.
As in that case, what we have here is a media outlet eager to find proof of disaster where none exists. The scenario described would require a complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq and a subsequent shunning of them by both the U.S. and the civilized world, letting them descend into chaos without any measure of aid.
This is, of course, ridiculous. Unless John Kerry is elected. Then, hey, who knows?
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