Friday, September 10, 2004

Cheney is out of touch? Edwards should check eBay!

Taking a break from the tumult surrounding the forged CBS documents, I have to comment about this story that made the rounds yesterday regarding some comments Vice President Cheney made.

In his comments, he points out that we currently don't capture sales made on eBay as part of the overall economic outlook. Edwards was quick to chime in on how 'out of touch' Cheney is and made a crack that bake sales should be included as well.

On the contrary, this shows how completely out of touch Edwards is. Has he ever been on eBay? Since the bust, I know at least three or four people personally who make their living selling stuff on eBay. Check out how many 'eBay Stores' there are now. On top of the stores, there are hundreds of thousands of dedicated sellers who use the site's basic auctions to sell their goods. Some are small businesses that branched out to eBay while others started selling on eBay and turned it into a small business. Considering that my girlfriend and I are trying to get an eBay business going, I'd just like to tell Senator Edwards that he can stick to his bake sales and forget about pretending to represent anyone but rich white trial lawyers. He clearly doesn't know what he's talking about.

When we have unemployment figures that can be affected by a shift of 500,000 people, then eBay is absolutely a factor we should be capturing. By ignoring it, we're ignoring thousands of small businesses. They just happen to be conducting business without a license and, in many cases, without paying taxes.


On second thought, maybe we shouldn't have government paying attention to eBay. Once Democrats like Edwards figure out that Cheney is right, they'll swoop in and squash the free trade by imposing taxes and Federal regulations on eBay sales!

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