Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Welcome to the New Left

All those who don't see the left self-destructing, raise your hands.

pagan: Magical Election Tampering: SHUT IT DOWN!

No, this isn't satire. Yes, this is probably one extreme of things, but it exemplifies the kind of thought going on with the New Left...it can't be a large portion of the populace deciding one set of ideals is better than another, it HAS to be some sort of fix.


Anonymous said...

These folks are just Mike Moores without $. Ignore them.
Rod Stanton

Anonymous said...

What would it be like to wake up on November 5th, 2008 and hear the words "PRESIDENT ELECT HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON"?? Sounds scary doesn't it? That's why we've created Blogs Against Hillary. To make sure that it's nothing more than a bad dream! :) Join us today!




go.123 said...

'Yes, this is probably one extreme of things, but it exemplifies the kind of thought going on with the New Left.'

Your logic escapes me. How can it exemplify the new left if you recognize its on its extreme?

Anonymous said...

Just look at who the DNC chose as their new chairman.