Well, it's all over. With a sweeping win of both the popular and electoral vote, President Bush was re-elected. We can now look forward to a prosperous and eventful term as the Democrats and liberal left admit defeat and re-examine their agenda in hopes to find a way to once again attain a place at the political table.
Oh, wait, that last part is happening in Bizarro World. Here on earth, the left wing is self-destructing at an alarmingly increased rate. This calls us back to my campaign theme, 'Who Is On Your Side?' one last time. We see here photos from the liberal rally in SF on November 3, 2004 protesting the Bush victory. Once again, you liberals out there, take a good look: who is on your side? These aren't a bunch of people pretending to support your cause to make you look bad, THIS IS YOUR BASE. This is the core of the active left, here.
On the net we've had everything from calls for domestic terrorism to wishes of assassination to the apparently imminent mass exodus to Canada. What you hear least is what you'd expect to hear most: people passionate about their beliefs who now see a difficult four years ahead, but four years they will spend rebuilding and reorganizing, trying to change the system from within. Rather, the vast majority you see and hear resembles a day care right after it's been announced that milk and cookie time has been cancelled. We haven't seen tantrums like this since Michael Moore was told that there was a two-item limit on the 'Buy one get one free' chili dog deal at Wienerschnitzel.
The light is shining on the left, and it's revealing quite a bit of ugliness. As I've said for months now, if you have a conscience, if you can look past your own desires for a few seconds and think...do you really want to be like these people? Before, my question was about your voting decision, now it's changed a bit. Do you really want to do this? Do you actually want to insult and threaten your friends over how they voted? Is the outcome of any election so important that people you supposedly care about are expendable?
I'm not suggesting that you should agree with us. I'm not stupid enough to expect you to just sit down quietly while we dominate the country and do everything our way...just like I would refuse to do that if the shoe was on the other foot. What I'm saying is this: the country you live in and it's laws are important, but how much more important are the relationships you make with those around you? Is gay marriage really worth hating your neighbor over? Are tax cuts, for the wealthy or for everyone, worth calling everyone who voted for Bush a rich, white, racist, homophobic inbred idiot? Is ANY agenda or policy that can be enacted by the federal government worth breaking friendships and relationships forged between you and another private citizen, when that other person isn't even doing anything to draw those issues between you?
Think about this, lefties. Your party and your ideals are self-destructing. They're taking your personal relationships with them. The only way you can hope to salvage those things is to take a good hard look at how you're behaving and decide whether you want to be one of these hateful, bitter people. You live in the greatest country on earth, and it would still be so even if John Kerry had won the election and the Dems had won back control of the Senate and the House. I can say that, believing what I do. You can do the same, you just have to decide what's more important.
I agree with you completely. I can understand that people are very upset with the outcome, especially those that volunteered and put their own emotions into it. But to turn around and commit local terrorism of one sort or another is wrong. No matter what.. its wrong. Unfortunately I've lost five good friends over this, three of them I've known for almost ten years.
Unfortunately we can't expect everyone involved to act like a mature responsible adult. Apparently that is expecting too much of some. I can only hope that it doesn't become the norm for liberals.
May "secular progressives" (liberals) enjoy bitterness in every erroneous stance they uphold.
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