I'm 44 now. I think I've stumbled upon why old men get grumpy. Patience and tolerance wanes, and often gives way to being unreasonable. I never understood that. I think I do now.
I've reached a point where the culture has diverged far enough from anything I understand as logical and reasonable that I'm really, really tired of having to cater to it. Where I once met opposition to my thinking with spirited debate, I've now had to swear off that, because it's just not healthy for me and gains nothing.
Now, when I run into this stuff, my instinct is to, well, grump. I'm just fed up and tired. I'm literally too old for this crap. I do not see this improving as my life goes on.
My issue is my faith. There's a certain amount of kindness and love I'm to show everyone. Calling them an asshat and other choice words isn't usually listed under 'kindness and love'. Some of this is in my new nature under Christ, in that I feel bad after going off on someone. The rest is just guilt that I'm being a 'bad witness' and generally representing Christ in a lousy light.
I have to tell you, though, I'm just entirely done with some concepts and phrases.
'Rape culture'.
'Cultural appropriation'.
And the old standby, 'homophobia'.
There are a bunch of others, but those are really jabbing me in the soft and tenders lately.
I'll continue to resist becoming unreasonable. My father was an incredibly unreasonable and illogical man, and I won't fall prey to that. I'll continue to have hard-thought reasoning behind my beliefs.
However, I'm not making any promises about being patient with those who want to inflict this nonsense on me. I'm officially a grumpy old man, and you kids should get the hell off my lawn.